STRANGER IN YOUR OWN TOWN. Closed-down factories and shops – discontent and faith in the future
SUMMARY of my new book (in Swedish), pubished in July 2021
Why have the Sweden Democrats become so strong in the old industrial town, once full of faith in the future and industrial growth. In the 2018 parliamentary elections, the Sweden Democrats received almost a fifth of the votes in Säffle, a quarter in outlying areas. Among the fifty of the country’s nearly three hundred municipalities where SD have the largest share.
Why have the Sweden Democrats become so strong in the old industrial town, once full of faith in the future and industrial growth. In the 2018 parliamentary elections, the Sweden Democrats received almost a fifth of the votes in Säffle, a quarter in outlying areas. Among the fifty of the country’s nearly three hundred municipalities where SD have the largest share.
What do political currents look like in an industrial city where many factories have been closed down, shops closed? Unemployment and large refugee reception. The pressure of globalization is strong, discontent is growing among the inhabitants, but opportunities are still being seen.
The book is based on conversations with politicians and acquaintances in the city, the local newspaper’s reporting, and own memories of growing up in Säffle. Social research provides perspectives on what I see, hear and read about Säffle, yesterday and today.
This is a locally based attempt to understand changes in the political landscape in Säffle and in the country as a whole. General research comes to life locally, the concrete is put into a broader knowledge context. An extensive chapter provides a research-based knowledge overview about the radical right.
My book is available only in Swedish, in print and as e-book.
I consider writing an article, in English probably.
All about the book here (mostly in Swedish)