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CCS Si Paris 14 juillet 2009 flygblad 2 bild för webb





DRAFT 2009
Le Centre Culturel Suédois à Paris (CCS, now Institut Suédois  Paris; Swedish Institute in Paris) was about to be closed down according to proposals from the Swedish government in the spring and summer 2009 . Here I intend to develop a presentation of  some of the opinion activities, publications  and other manifestations in support of the institute. The outcome of the process where our activities certainly played a role: The  institute was not closed! For now here are some items and links, all of them in Swedish. Later I might search and publish material in English and French. Any suggestions are very welcome, to  ake.sandberg2 (a) gmail.com

On the French national holiday, le quatorze juillet, July 14, a musical and cultural event in support of the CCS was organized at Mosebacke Etablissement in Stockholm. Many musicians and others performed, speaches were held, and jazz musician Claes Janson presented them all. A numerous audience enjoyed the evening and manifested their support. Media covered the event in several articles and transmissions.  Here is the flyer for the event:   Mosebacke Event 14 July 2009   and there are fine photos of artists and speakers by Joar Jacobsson.

When it comes to publications and opinion articles, as the planned closing down was of a national cultural concern we first tried the two leading Stockholm morning newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, both  declined publishing in spite of very competent authors. We however found to good channels, Uppsala Nya Tidning in the university town of Uppsala and  very respected when it comes to cultural and research policy, and Göteborgs-Posten, the dominating journal on Sweden’s west coast and second city Gothenburg.

In a first article leading representatives from Royal Swedish academies, including the Swedish Academy that awards the Nobel Price in litterature wrote in Uppsala Nya Tidning, July 21, 2009: “Rädda Svenska institutet i Paris

An opinion article in Göteborgs-Posten was written and signed by leading personalities mainly from the cultural and research sectors , July 22, 2009: “Sverigebilden utomlands kräver Svenska Institutet”

I wrote a short opinion piece in Aftonbladet, August 12, 2009: “Svensk posei i Paris ställs mot vårdbehov i Sverige” criticizing a writer for arguing in a rather populist way that as long as there were unsatisfied needs in hospital care in Sweden, money should not be used for something like a CCS in Paris.

Swedish public radio, Radio Sweden broadcast several programmes on the closing and our Mosebacke event and articles.  A direct transmission was made in the channel Radio Stockholm, interviewing singer Maya de Vesque, Claes Jansson and Åke Sandberg during the event preparations in the afternoon, which informed people about what’s on later that evening.

An interview in Rdio Sweden’s programme ‘Mitt i Musiken’ (In the middle of the music) , Sveriges Radio P1, was published July 14, 2009.  Interview with musician Claes Jansson

And another interview came the following day in their programme ‘Kulturnytt’ (Culture news), Sveriges Radio P1 July 15, 2009, kl 07:46. Here is Radio Sweden’s summary, in Swedish: “Hotat kulturhus väcker känslor: Engagemanget är stort för det nedläggingshotade svenska kulturhuset i Paris.6000 medlemmar på internetsajten Facebook stöder huset, och en stor manifestation igår på Mosebacke i Stockholm ska uppmärksamma utrikesdepartementet på det lilla kulturhusets enorma betydelse. Men varför är reaktionerna så starka kring just detta kulturcenter i Paris? Åke Sandberg är en av arrangörerna till manifestationen för Centre Culturel Suédois. Load down Emelie Rosenqvist interviewing  Åke Sandberg here Kulturnytt_20090715 .
As a background to both the articles and the manifestation at Mosebacke there was an active  Facebook group. It was created starting with my thirty something Facebook friends, and within weeks it grew to the substantial size of more than 7000 members, many of whom active in culture, research and media, and thus rather influential. The group was instrumental in developing a network supporting the institute. On the group page you will find many links, photos and postings of interest. Several members of the group contributed in organizing the Mosebacke event, writing articles etc.

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Research information and opinion articles 1974 – 2004 (selection)

This is a selection of opinion articles, some of them intended to present research results in a popular form, and many of them are contributions to public debates. All articles are in Swedish. Some of the areas are: Work and computers; Working life research; Critical organizational research; auto industry work and Volvo plant closures.

Later opinion articles, not listed here, concerned various areas, including research policy and the Arbetslivsinstitutet /NIWL; as well as the Swedish institute /Centre Culturel Suéodois in Paris.

  1. ”Sex teser om planering och organisation” in Tema, årg. 4, nr 2, 1974 (revision of FOA P rapport 8354-M3).
  2. ”Planering i välfärdsstaten” in Frihetlig socialistisk tidskrift, årg. 26, nr 7–8, 1974. 5 pp.
  3. ”Släpp loss resurser för kritiska utredningar så får vi alternativa framtidsperspektiv” in Tema, årg. 5, nr 1, 1975 (based on FOA rapport C 10022-M3).
  4. ”Löntagarna måste ha kontroll över långsiktsplaneringen” in Fackföreningsrörelsen, nr 24 1975 (with Pelle Ehn).
  5. ”En demokratisk planering i företagen kräver kunskap och hög facklig aktivitet” in Fackföreningsrörelsen, nr 25, 1975 (with Pelle Ehn).
  6. ”Vädja inte till Gyllenhammars goda vilja: Facket måste göra egna sociala bokslut” in LO-tid­ningen, nr 15, 1976.
  7. ”Forskarmakt åt löntagarna” in Dagens Nyheter, 9 juni 1976 (with Pelle Ehn).
  8. ”Arbetarna måste återta makten över planeringen för att kunna bryta arbetets förnedring” in LO-tidningen, nr 35, 1976.
  9. ”Är det kris i organisationsteorin” in Ekonomen, nr 1, 1977. 5 pp.
  10. ”Ut ur krisen” in Ekonomen, nr 5, 1977.
  11. ”Ut ur krisen – men vilken väg?” in Ekonomen, nr 6, 1977.
  12. ”Makten över informationen ligger hos företagsledningen – för att bryta den räcker inte ’sociala redovisningar’. Facket måste självt forska och utreda för att kunna ställa krav” in LO-tid­ningen, nr 16, 1977.
  13. ”Nya bokslut – nya grepp, och så den gamla vanliga vinsten förstås” in Aftonbladet, 23 maj 1977.
  14. ”Låt inte företagsledningarna lägga beslag på begreppet ’social redovisning’”, in LO-tidningen, nr 19, 1977.
  15. ”Forskning på arbetsplatsen” in När var hur 1978, Forum 1977 ( with Pelle Ehn).
  16. ”’Tältet’ – en metod att härska och söndra” in Dagens Nyheter, 17 november 1977.
  17. ”Tältteorin – inget stöd för demokratisering” in Dagens Nyheter, 14 december 1977.
  18. ”När maskinerna tagit makten” in Dagens Nyheter, 3 mars 1978.
  19. ”Arbete och samhälle” in Socialistiskt Forum, nr 39, 2/1978.
  20. ”Företagsekonomi – för alla?” in Ekonomen, nr 8, 1978.
  21. ”Varför införs ny teknik?” in Grafia, nr 13, 1978.
  22. ”Analysera samhällskrafterna som hindrar oss nå idealen” in LO-tidningen, nr 26, 1978.
  23. ”Partisk och vetenskaplig arbetslivskunskap” in Ekonomen, nr 12, 1978.
  24. ”Moteld mot marknadsföring” in Kooperatören, nr 11, 1979.
  25. ”Inför ett nytt ekonomiämne!” in Dagens Nyheter, 7 mars 1980.
  26. ”Skapa för allas behov, ett idealiskt arbete?” in Dagens Nyheter, 27 april 1980.
  27. ”Offensiv kamp för demokrati in arbetet” in Värmlands Folkblad, 30 maj 1980.
  28. ”Brytningstider, gränsstrider, framtider…” in LO-tidningen, nr 37, 1983.
  29. ”Hur fackligt deltagande blir medbestämmande värt namnet” in Lag och avtal, nr 10, 1985. 2 pp.
  30. ”Kampen om arbetets själar”, in Arbetet, Kultursidan, 16 april 1986.
  31. ”Arbetslivsforskningens långsiktiga nytta” in HTF-tidningen, nr 2, 1987.
  32. ”Nya hus för ny ledning” in Arkitekten, nr 5, 1988.
  33. ”Forskning om arbetslivet ska vara inriktad på förändringar” in TCO-tidningen, 27/89.
  34. ”Gör arbetslivet till universitetsämne” in Arbetet, 9 december, 1989.
  35. ”Fackliga gränser i datoriseringens tid” in Aftonbladet, sid 3, 2 juni 1989.
  36. ”Arbetslivsforskningen kräver ett sektorinstitut” in LO-tidningen, nr 42, 20 oktober 1989.
  37. ”Arbetslivsforskning behövs – för ett bättre arbetsliv” in LO-tidningen, nr 37, 14 september 1990.
  38. “Volvo bör lägga ner i Göteborg”, DN Debatt, Dagens Nyheter, 4 februari 1993.
  39. “Varför är det så tyst om Uddevalla?”, LO-tidningen, Nr 7, 12 mars 1993 ( with Jesper Steen och Peter Ullmark)
  40. “Stannar Volvo i Sverige?”, DN Debatt, Dagens Nyheter, 6 april 1993 ( with Elsie Charron, Kajsa Ellegård et al)
  41. “Volvo kan köra mot ljus framtid i Uddevalla!”, GP Debatt, Göteborgs-posten, 16 april 1993
  42. “Utred alternativ först”, GP Debatt, Göteborgs-posten, 21 april 1993
  43. “Führt die luxuriöse Abweichung vom klassischen Weg in die Irre? Warum Volvo seine in der Arbeitswelt vorbildlichen Werke in Kalmar und Uddevalla schliesst”, Frankfurter Rundschau, 29 April 1993.
  44. “Uddevalla – modell av internationella mått”, GP Debatt, Göteborgs-posten, 17 maj 1993.
  45. A selection of major popular and opinion articles in leading Swedish dailies like Dagens Nyheter and Göteborgs-Posten on work organization,corporate strategic planning and social goals like good working conditions and regional development and employment. The case is Volvo automotive industry, 1993–1994.
  46. Several opinion articles on hospital organization and decision making processes in Värmlands folkblad and Säffle-tidningen, 2001.
  47. Several opinion articles in Dagens Nyheter, in this link:  https://www.dn.se/sok/?q=%22%C3%A5ke%20sandberg%22%20debatt&page=1&sort=newest&date= 

Kategori: uncategorized

Short Curriculum Vitae – Åke Sandberg


Uppsala University, docent/associate professor, 1986, Faculty of Social Sciences; member of the Faculty collegium.

Uppsala University, Doctor of philosophy, Sociology, 1976 (following doctoral studies also at the Sociology Department, Stockholm University, and at the Institute of Industrial Economics and Management, KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)

Handelshögskolan i Göteborg (The Gothenburg School of Economics), civilekonomexamen (MBA, 80p),  May 1968, major in managerial economics (kostnads/intäktsanalys) and including economics, statistics, economic geography, and commercial law.  Long  courses in the English and French languages. A fourth semester in managerial economics.  January 1969. 


Presently since Sept. 15 2008  Professor at the Department of Sociology, Stockholm university. From January 2010 professor emeritus.

Independent research professional, consultant and author, Sandberg Research.

Earlier appointments:

1969-1975  Förste forskningsingenjör (Research engineer), FOA:s Planeringsbyrå (Defence Research Institute, Planning dept) Systemanalysmetodik/ Planeringsteori (Systems Analysis/Planning theory; during 6 months 1972 affiliated to Civilförsvarets planeringsavdelning/the Planning dept of the Swedish Civil Defence Authority. FOA is today called FOI.

1970  January-June, Scholarship ASTEF/ACTIM, Researcher/ ‘Stagiaire’ at BIPE (Bureau d’Informations et de Prévisions Économiques), Neuilly, Paris

1975 -1977  Researcher, IBADB Informationsbehandling/ADB, KTH/SU

Oct 1977 – Sept, 2008  Senior researcher, Arbetslivscentrum/Institutet för arbetslivsforskning/ Arbetslivsinstitutet/NIWL, project manager/research director, acting  professor several periods,

Guest professor and adjunct professor:

April-June 1978, Guest professor at Institutt for Samfundsplanlaeggning, Roskilde University (RUC)

July 1988 – June 1992, Adjunct professor, part time at  KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Industrial Economics and Management (Indek)

Guest professor autumn 2000, 2½ month each at LEST-CNRS, Laboratorie d’Économie et de Sociologie du Travail, Aix-en-Provence, France; and at UNSW, the University of New South Wales, Sydney, at IROB School of industrial relations and organizational behaviour (today UNSW School of Organization and Management, O&M).

July 2003 – June 2006, Adjunct professor, part time at  KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science and Communication, CSC. I was affiliated to CID (Center for useroriented IT design), until 2006 when it merged to form the new unit HCI, Human-Computer Interaction.

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To be updated

On this page and subpages I intend to present and publish some examples of my involvement in research information (for the general public) and in public opinion issues. Main areas concern research policy, working life and organization in general and especially in the media and IT industries, and still to some extent in the auto industry. Most of my comments and reflections on current affairs will appear, however, here in my blog.

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Major research projects I worked with are summarized below. (I was a project manager, if not indicated ‘participated in…’) Some of the projects will be presented in somewhat more detail, follow the links. More links will come.

Ongoing is a study of football as entertainment, work and employment, starting from the life and biography of a Swedish football player in Marseille in the 1950’s, Gunnar Andersson.

2021 – Främling i sin stad is a study of a small town, of far right politics against a background o ofindustria decay, high unemployment and high levels of immigration

2019 – After several years of empirical studies, cooperation, seminars we presented a major common textbook, Arbete & välfärd [Work &welfare], Studentlitteratur. 

2014 – a project on New Public Management in the welfare sector resulted in a report in 2014, Värden i välfärden, published by Arena idé. 

2009 – 2013 Scandinavian Management Book Project. In cooperation with twenty Scandinavian researchers an anthology with nineteen chapters has been developed aiming at an overview of  book of international interest. was published late spring 2013: Nordic Lights. Work, Management and Welfare in Scandinavia, SNS förlag.

2000 – present MITIOR programme (Media, IT and Innovations in Organisations and Work), research leader: Studies of work, management and competence in Swedish ICT and Interactive media companies (Internet, multimedia) Several national surveys have been conducted and reports written. Several of the reports are available in full text pdf.

A key partner during the MITIOR programme has been Fredrik Movitz and his PhD dissertation is to a high extent based on empirical material from the project.

I also participated in then the Global Call Center Project, GCC, and wrote with Christer Strandberg the Swedish empirical country report.

1998 – 2001  News media 2003 (2003 års nyhetsmedier) We contributed studies of work and organization aspects in project co‑operation with designers and computer scientists primarily from Malmö University (project management) and with several (interactive) media companies. Case studies were made, in co‑operation with Örebro and Stockholm Universities, of work organization within on-line/web news production, and case study reports were published, one of them, by Sanja Magdalenic is available as full text pdf.

1997-1999 Modern unions (Moderna fack). A project on union renewal based upon dialogue seminars with trade unionists, in co‑operation with a science journalist. In this context Workshops: Organizer of three international workshops within the ‘Worklife 2000’ programme, as part of the Swedish EU presidency.

1996-1999  The New Media Project was a first broad and national survey of multimedia and Internet companies in Sweden, in European co‑operation, focusing on production and development of competence and companies. Reported in Nya medier and New media in Sweden (both 1998).

1993-1998  The Auto Industry Project aimed at studying the preconditions and stragegies, within car industry, for reaching at the same time goals of competitiveness and ‘good work’, an alternative to lean production. A group of more than twenty international researchers contributed in a major endeavor to describe and understand the developments. I made field studies in Sweden, France and Japan, and edited an ambitious volume entitled Enriching production. Perspectives on Volvo’s Uddevalla Plant as an Alternative to Lean Production. Avebury (1996) where I wrote myself the introduction and one chapter. I also edited a journal special issue with more theoretical and general analyses over the theme Good work and productivity, (1998).

1991-1992  Participation in the major Swedish Workplace/Establishment Survey (Arbetsplatsundersökningen) at the Department of Sociology, Stockholm University. The extent of ‘new’ forms of management and work organization in Swedish companies was studied and reported in a chapter in the volume Sveriges Arbetsplatser (SNS 1992).

1985 – 1992  ‘Management, work organization ‑ quality, efficiency’. A project with ten colleagues resulted in the book Ledning för alla? with a critical appraisal of popular management litterature (1987). This was followed by reflection groups/author workshops with two groups of interested individuals: personnel managers and trade unionists. With two journalists two books were produced: Nytt liv I facket (1990) and Det nya personalarbetet (1989). Also a study of convertible bonds and work was made, Sanna ägare (1991).

1985 – 1992  The New Front project (Nya Frontprojektet) A study of trade union organization processes and structure coupled to studies of transformations of the labour processes concluding; demarcation conflicts necessitate changes within the unions in line with changes in work and negotiation systems. Summarized in the book Rörelse över gränser (1988). In this context also the book Technological Change and Co­determination in Sweden (Temple UP, Philadelphia 1992) was written, a longitudinal study over fifteen years of changing working life and research in Sweden. The volume was based on but not restricted to summarizing results from our projects from 1975 until 1990 and developing them in a theoretical and comparative (Europe, US) perspective.

1980-1984  The Front project (Frontprojektet, Facket, rationaliseringar och ny teknik). Manager of the Swedish studies within this five country project financed by the EU, about technological change and employee access to information and participation. Comparative case studies were made within the banking, machine tool, food and chemical sectors. Researchers mainly from The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and from the NIWL participated. It turned out that Swedish employees and their representatives were comparatively advanced in building up their own competence and using it in these new areas.

1979 – 1982  The Methodology project (Metod‑projektet). I gathered some fifteen experienced researchers for reflection over their participation in local change oriented research projects in working life. In the book Forskning för förändring (1981) we concluded that in order to contribute to long term scientific accumulation of knowledge, phases of participation in change are fruitful but must be imbedded in phases of critical, theoretical reflection and empirical investigations. This was further developed in a special issue of a scientific journal (Sociologisk forskning) on theory of praxis research.

1979 – 1985  Participation in the Scandinavian Utopia project, with around fifteen researchers (sociologists, computer scientists from KTH, psychologists, ergonomists, gender researchers) together with skilled nordic graphical workers. The project developed models and specifications for IT-based technology in text and picture processing for newspaper production in cooperation with Nordic IT and graphic industry companies and trade unions. Apart from participation in and documentation of the common design processes, I published a study on the Utopia project seen as an example of a strategy for useroriented research and technology policy and related the project to the ideas of ‘alternative production’ (Mellan alternativ produktion och industriell F0U (1984). The Utopia and the Demos projects have become of great international importance in the articulation of a models for user-oriented participative design of IT and work, sometimes even called ‘the Scandinavian IT design model’ or ‘co-operative design’.

1975 – 1983  The Demos project, conducted at at the KTH Department of  Information Processing and Administrative Data Processing, and then continued at the Arbetslivscentrum (Center for working life). This was early example of co‑operation between researchers, workers and local trade unions in change oriented research. A multidisciplinary research group (computer science, sociology, civil engineering) supported and analyzed the “computerization” on four workplaces: a newspaper, a department store, a steel work and a railway repair shop. New forms of trade union work were tried out and evaluated in relation to the labour process debate and to the development of co-determination. The project concluded that employees and unions have an essential role as actors, that there are managerial alternatives to Taylorism (responsible autonomy, sociotechnical systems) and the control intentions of management are not always realized. Above case study reports (e.g. Brytningstid, 1983, from the newspaper) I wrote more theoretical books (Varken offer eller herre, 1980) and the much used textbook Företagsstyrning och löntagarmakt, 1979 and revised 1982 (with Pelle Ehn).

1969 – 1975  At The National Swedish Defence Research Institute (FOA, Försvarets forskningsanstalt) I had the task of contributing social science and organization research perspectives to the primarily mathematical/operations research/engineering environment in FOA’s planning research department. One focus was the role of ‘professional operations research’ in organizational and political decision making processes; several reports and articles were written. Besides this work I conducted doctoral studies at the Sociological Departments at the Uppsala and Stockholm Universities and at the Department of Industrial Economics and Management at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. Dissertation: The limits to democratic planning (1976).

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To be updated

Here I intend to develop a presentation of my research over the years, projects and some of the publications related to the projects. Below I will first give a short overview of my research. You will also find separately an overview of projects and a short CV. There is also a page  with my Publications. My mos recent book in English is Nordic Lights. Work, Management and Welfare in Scandinavia (2013). And in 2019 a major book, in Swedish was published, Arbete & Välfärd.

Im am presently professor emeritus  at the Department of Sociology, Stockholm University

My research and publications are in the field of working life, management, industrial relations, sociology of organizations and economic sociology. I am focusing upon work and organization  and the roles of new forms of management and ICT technology under more competitive and globalized market conditions. The picture is from a presentation on a study at Kista Science City, in the northern part of Stockholm.

Key aspects are the possibilities of reaching welfare and ‘good work’ at the same time as competitiveness and efficiency, using modern technology and management. An interesting dimension is the relation between the quality of work (health, qualifications, control) and the resulting quality of products and service – and also with the latter, in many jobs, being part of the former.

Early studies covered planning and futures studies, Industrial Relations, the methodology of change oriented research in interaction with more traditional empirical/ theoretical research (interactive research). Later:  studies of socio-technical forms of work organization in e.g. the car industry as alternatives to lean production; new forms of management and ‘flexible firms’; computers at work; processes of designing IT and work organization, and the  the Mitior programme: ‘Media, IT and innovation in organization and work’ at Arbetslivsinstitutet/ NIWL and at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. This research continued at Stockholm University and its Department of Sociology.

My research has a focus on the development of work and industry in the ICT and new media sectors, but also more generally on the development and use of ICT and digital media in various sectors in in the economy as a whole. One example is the Swedish part in a global call center industry project. More recently a focus is the emerging platform economy with both short giog jobs and more quaified assignments.

Aspects and perspectives thus, in summary, include work, organization, labour processes, labour markets, qualifications; new management ideas and reality; new ICT technology at work; flexible and deregulated work;  networks among companies and individuals; clusters, geographical aspects; competence, health, physical work environment, stress; power relations at work.

Methodologically and as to research approach, pluralism is advocated, with both qualitative and quantitative studies. A specific interest is understanding the relation between theoretical-empirical research, and research more closely interacting with the field, with organizations and movements, and with processes of social change – which seems related to what some today call ‘public sociology’; we have discussed the pros and cons of ‘interactive research’ with phases or subprojects focusing on professional, academic distance on the one hand, and closeness to actors (organizations, movements) on the other hand.

Kategori: uncategorized

Åke Sandberg

To be updated.

Below you will find a few links to full text pdf files mainly of articles, and also some links to further info about books.  Links to additional  full texts of some books and reports are found in the list based on a search in the Libris library system,under the heading Publications.

This list was compiled the year 2005, and only few items have been added since, mainly more recent books.
Some more recent publictions are found here and a few featured publications here.
Here find a search in the database Arbline.


I. Authored books / Monographs
II. Anthologies / Edited books
III. Articles in peer reviewed journals
IV. Other scientific articles
Articles in journals and chapters in books
Research Reports, Working Papers, Conference Papers
V. Book reviews – a selection

Opinion pieces:
Opinion articles until 2004
Si Paris
Arbetslivsinstitutet – the National Institute for Working Life (NIWL)


I. Authored books / Monographs

*  means that the book /report was published within a peer reviewed series of scientific reports

  1. * IT and Telecom Companies in Kista Science City, Northern Stockholm – Activities, Networks, Skills and Qualities of the Place, Arbetsliv i omvandling/ Work Life in Transition 2007:1, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 2007. 104 pp. (With Fredrik Augustsson, Revised and translated version of I.15)
  2. * IT-företagen i Kista: Verksamhet, nätverk, kompetens och platsens kvaliteter. Arbetsliv i omvandling/ Work Life in Transition 2005:1, KTH, Kista Science City & Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 2005 (with Fredrik Augustsson and Anne Lintala). 105pp.
  3. *  Interactive media in Swedish Organisations. In-house Production and Purchase of Internet and Multimedia Solutions in Swedish Firms and Government Agencies. Arbetsliv i omvandling/ Work Life in Transition 2004:9, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 2004 (with Fredrik Augustsson). 129 pp.
  4. * Interactive Media in Sweden 2001. The Second Swedish Interactive Media, Internet and Multimedia Survey, Arbetsliv i omvandling/ Work Life in Transition 2002:2, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 2002 (with Fredrik Augustsson). 60 pp.
  5. Färg, fack och flexibelt arbete. Säffles målare berättar om färg, fotboll och Folkets park, Svenska målareförbundet, Stockholm 1999. 157 pp.
  6. Nya Medier. Rapporten om multimedie- och Internetföretagen i Sverige, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 1998. 54 pp. Translated as New Media in Sweden. The Swedish New Media Internet Industry Survey. Arbetslivsrapport 1998:37, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 1998. 53 pp.
  7. Technological Change and Co-determination in Sweden, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, Pa 1992 (main author; with Gunnar Broms, Arne Grip, Lars Sundström, Jesper Steen and Peter Ullmark). 339 pp
  8. Rörelse över gränser. Teknisk förändring och facklig organisering, Arkiv förlag, Lund 1988 (with Tommy Nilsson). 104 pp.
  9. Framtidsfrågor på arbetsplatsen: om fackligt arbete med teknik, arbetsorganisation och produktion i fyra fallstudier, Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1984. (main author, with Gunnar Broms et al). 136 pp.
  10. Brytningstid. Teknik, arbete och facklig kamp i grafiska branschen, Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1983 (with Pelle Ehn and Maja-Lisa Perby). 146 pp.
  11. Varken offer eller herre. Om arbete, planering och självstyre, Liber förlag, Stockholm 1980. 196 pp.
  12. Företagsstyrning och löntagarmakt. Planering, datorer, organisation och fackligt utredningsarbete, Prisma, Stockholm 1979 (with Pelle Ehn) (2nd revised edition 1982). 246 pp.
  13. The Limits to democratic planning. Knowledge, power and methods in the struggle for the future, Liber förlag, Stockholm 1976 (PhD diss. based on books I:1 och I:2). 391 pp.
  14. Försvarets långsiktsplanering in the series “FOA orienterar om…”, Stockholm 1976 (with Kurt Eriksson et al). 50 pp.
  15. En fråga om makt. Demokratisk planering och förändringsstrategier i organisationer och samhälle, Stockholm, Falköping 1975. 175 pp.
  16. En fråga om metod. Alternativt perspektiv på långsiktsplanering och framtidsstudier, Prisma, Stockholm 1975.231 pp. (2:a reviderade utgåvan 1980).

I.b Authored books/ Monographs under publication

  1. * Net Workers. The Rethoric of the New Economy and the Reality of Work, Health and Competence among Interactive Media Workers in Sweden. (with Fredrik Movitz), accepted for publication in Arbetsliv i omvandling / Work Life in Transition (forthcoming) 205 pp.

II. Anthologies / Edited books

including special thematic issues of scientific journals

  1. Nordic Lights. Work, Management and Welfare in Scandinavia. Editor and co-author of several chapters. SNS förlag, Stockholm, 2013.
  2. Ledning för alla? Perspektivbryningar i arbetsliv och företagsledning, 4th revised edition, SNS förlag, Stockholm 2003 (including editor’s introduction and four separate chapters: ”Företagsledning och arbete i förändring”, ”Fack i förändring”, ”Nya ledningsstrategier i Sverige – en empirisk belysning” (with Christofer Edling) and ”Teknik, organisation och ledning – vad nytt inom inteaktiva medier?” (with Fredrik Augustsson). 465 pp.
  3. Call Centre Jobs and Regions in the New Economy, Editor (with Casten von Otter), Special issue of Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol. 22. No 1, Feb. 2001.
  4. Ledning för alla? 3rd completely revised edition, at SNS förlag, Stockholm (inc1uding the Introductory chapter and two other chapters “Management, work and unions in transition” and, with Christofer Edling, “New management strategies in Sweden”). Stockholm 1999. 382 pp.
  5. Good work and productivity, Editor, special issue of Economic and Industrial Democracy Vol. 19, No. l, November 1998. 198 pp.
  6. Enriching Production . Perspectives on Volvo ‘s Uddevalla plant as an Alternative to Lean Production, Avebury, Aldershot 1995. 459 pp.
  7. Ledning för alla? Om perspektivbrytningar i företagsledning, Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1987 (editor, including the introductory chapter and a chapter on Quality circles, the latter with Gunilla Bengtsson). 160 pp. 2nd, revised edition 1989.
  8. “New technology and work organization”, Guest Editor, Special issue of Economic and lndustrial Democracy, Vol. 7, No. 4, November 1986. 198 pp.
  9. Förändringsprogram i arbetslivet. Några svenska och internationella erfarenheter av forskningsmedverkan, Arbetslivscentrum, Göteborg 1984 (editor with Bj0rn Gustavsen and inc1uding my introductory chapter). 247 pp.
  10. Utredning och förändring i förvaltningen, Liber förlag, Stockholm 1979 (editor, and with Pelle Ehn author of the chapter “God utredning”). 150 pp. (2nd edition 1984).
  11. * Forskning för förändring. Om metoder och förutsättningar för handlingsinriktad forskning i arbetslivet, Arbetslivscentrum, Forskningsrapport nr 20, Akademilitteratur, Värnamo 1981 (editor and author of introduction and two chapters). 290 pp. (2nd edition 1985.)
  12. Computers Dividing Man and Work. Recent Scandinavian Research on Planning and Computers from a Trade Union Perspective, Arbetslivscentrum, Research report, Stockholm 1979 (editor introductory chapter and author of several contributions). 146 pp.
  13. En ny företagsekonomi? Kunskap för demokrati i arbetslivet, Liber förlag, Helsingborg 1978 (editor, introductory chapter and author of several contributions). 265 pp.
  14. Planeringens gränser. Om framtidsplanering, framtidsstudier och social förändring i avancerade kapitalistiska samhälle.  Forum, Lund 1975 (editor. with T. Björkman, L Dencik et al and author of one chapter). 337 pp.

III. Articles in peer reviewed journals


  1. “Work and Organisation within Interactive Media in Sweden” in Work With Computing Systems 2004, edited by H.M. Kalid, M.G. Helanderand A.W. Yeo. Damai-Sciences, Kuala Lumpur 2004 (with Fredrik Augustsson). 5 pp.
  2. “Call Centre Jobs and Regions in the New Economy”, in special issue of Economic and Industrial Democracy. Vol. 22. No 1, Feb. 2001. pp 5-11 (with Casten von Otter).
  3. “The Multimedia Industry in Sweden and the Emerging Stockholm Cluster” in Fuchs G, Braczyk HJ, Wolf HG, (editors) Multimedia and Regional Economic Restructuring. Routledge /Studies in the Modem World Economy, London 1999. 13 pp.
  4. “Good work and productivity”, in Special issue of Economic and lndustrial Democracy. Vol 19. No l, 1998. pp. 5-16.
  5. “‘Volvosim’ at the End of the Road”, in Studies in Political Economy, No 45, Fall 1994. 12pp. Also in Cadernos Noroeste, Vol. 10 (1), 1997 (pp 13-24).
  6. “Volvo human-centred work organization – the end of the road”, New Technology, Work and Employment, Vol. 8, No. 2, Sept 1993. 5 pp.
  7. Volvo am Scheideweg“. Effektive und menschliche Fabriken werden ohne triftige Gründe geschlossen”, Arbeit. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, Vol. 2, No 2, 1993. 15 pp.
  8. “Trade unions and work-place technical change in Europe”, in Economic and industrial Democracy, Vol. 12, No 2, 1991 (with Hugo Levie). 27pp.
  9. “Cambio tecnologico y democratizacion de la vida laboral: algunas experiencias suecas.” in Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales, Nos. 94-95. 1990.
  10. Socio-technical design, trade union strategies and action research in Research methods in information systems, Enid Mumford et. al.. (eds.), Elsevier/North Holland, Amsterdam 1985.
  11. “Über die Möglichkeiten der Gewerkschaften, Entwicklung und Anwendung von Produktionstechniken zu beeinflussen” in Beteiligung als Element gerwerkschaftlicher Arbeitspolitik, Werner Fricke och Wilgart Schuchardt (Hrsg), Verlag Neue Gesellschaft, Bonn 1984. 27 pp.
  12. “Om fackliga strategier för att påverka produktionsteknikens användning och utveckling” in Sosiologi idag (Oslo), nr l, 1984. 31 pp.
  13. “Local union influence on technology and work organization”, in Systems design for, with and by the users. U. Briefs et. al. (eds)., IFIP/North Holland Publishing Company. 1983 (with Pelle Ehn), 11 pp. Also in Towards a democratic rationality, J. Fry. ed., Gower, London 1986.
  14. “Trade-union oriented research for democratization of planning in work life – problems and potentials” in Journal of Occupational Behaviour. Vol. 4, No. l, January 1983. pp 59-71. 14 pp.
  15. “Facket och den nya tekniken” in Arbetsorganisation och medbestämmande. Tidens förlag, Stockholm 1982 (with Pelle Ehn). 17 pp.
  16. Från aktionsforskning till praxisforskning” in Sociologisk Forskning, årg. 19. nr 2-3, 1982. 10 pp.
  17. “Om problem i försvarsplaneringen. Idéer till samhällsvetenskaplig forskning om svensk försvarsplanering” in Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, nr 4, 1978. 10 pp.
  18. “Planning and Control from the Perspective of Labour” in Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 3, No. 3-4, 1978 (with Jan Carlsson et al.). 12 pp.
  19. “The Demos Project: A short presentation” in Acta Sociologica, vol. 21, no. 3, 1978 (with Pelle Ehn et al). 4pp.
  20. “God utredning är inte att stå på huvudet” in Plan, nr 6, 1977 (with Pelle Ehn), 3 pp.
  21. “The role of rational analyses in decision-making-harmony or conflict perspective” in Proceedings from the 2nd European Conference on operations research, Stockholm 1976. 6 pp.
  22. “Framtidsvetande utan samhälle” in Sociologisk forskning, årg. 13, nr 3, 1976. 9 pp.
  23. “Företagsekonomi kontra löntagarstyre” in Ekonomisk debatt, årg. 5, nr l, 1975.
  24. “Demokratisk styrning och planering in arbetslivet. Utgångspunkter för ett forskningsprojekt om datateknik, fackförening och företagsdemokrati” in nordisk forum 8, årg. 10, häfte 4, 1975 (with Pelle Ehn et al; also published as Demos rapport nr l). 17 pp.
  25. “Forskning för framtid – att klarlägga processer och medvetandegöra om handlingsmöjligheter” in Sociologisk forskning, nr 1-2, 1974. 29 pp.

IV. Other scientific articles

Articles in journals and chapters in books


  1. Job Quality in Sweden” 2022 in the Oxford Handbook of Quality of Work. Preprint as Working paper from the Department of Sociology (Stockholms university), Stockholm Sept. 2019.
  2. ”The Organisation of Creativity. Content, Contracts and Control in Swedish Interactive Media Production”, in A. McKinlay & C. Smith (eds.) Creative Labour. Working in the Creative Industries, Palgrave / Macmillan, 2009 (with Fredrik Movitz)
  3. ”Varför är det fler kvinnor på bankens Internetavdelning än hos Internetkonsulten?” i Kors & tvärs – Intersektionalitet och makt i storstadens arbetsliv. Gunnarsson, Ewa, Neergaard, Anders och Arne Nilsson (red). Bokförlaget Normal, Stockholm 2006 (with Fredrik Augustsson)
  4. ”Time for Competence? Competence development among interactive media workers” in Learning to be Employable: New Agendas on Work, Responsibility and Learning in a Globalizing World, edited by Christina Garsten and Kerstin Jacobsson, Palgrave Publishers, Hampshire 2004 (with Fredrik Augustsson).
  5. “Productivity through quality of work – European options.” Pp. 167-172 in The Future of Work: Key Challenges for the European Employment Strategy, edited by Timos Gonis and Georgious Tsobanoglou, Employment Observatory Research Informatics, Athens 2003.
  6. IT i omvandlingen av arbetsorganisationer.” in Ute och inne i svenskt arbetsliv – forskare analyserar och spekulerar om trender i framtidens arbete, Arbetsliv i Omvandling, edited by C. von Otter. Stockholm: Arbetslivsinstitutet 2003 (with Fredrik Augustsson)
  7. “Inledning” in Ledning för alla? Om perspektivbrytningar i företagsledning, edited by Åke Sandberg. SNS förlag Stockholm 2003.
  8. “Företagsledning och arbete i förändring.” in Ledning för alla? Om perspektivbrytningar i arbetsliv och företagsledning, edited by Åke Sandberg. SNS förlag, Stockholm 2003.
  9. “Fack i förändring.” in Ledning för alla? Om perspektivbrytningar i arbetsliv och företagsledning, edited by Åke Sandberg, SNS förlag, Stockholm 2003.
  10. “Teknik, organisation och ledning – vad nytt inom interaktiva medier?” in Ledning för Alla? Om perspektivbrytningar i arbetsliv och företagsledning, edited by Å. Sandberg, SNS förlag, Stockholm 2003 (with Fredrik Augustsson)
  11. ”New management systems and worthwhile work: the Swedish Experience” in New Frontiers of Democractic Participation at Work, M. Gold (ed.), Ashgate, Aldershot 2003). 27 pp.
  12. ”New forms of management – New democratic participation?” in Essays in honour of Prof. Litsa Nicolaou, Piraeus university press, Piraeus 2002. 22 pp.
  13. ‘New media industry development: regions, networks and hierarchies – Some policy implications’ in Regional studies, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2002 (with Ann-Katrin Bäcklund).
  14. ”Call Centre Jobs and Regions in the New Economy”, in  Special issue of Economic and Industrial Democracy, February 2001 (with Casten von Otter).
  15. ”Vem blir först med en ny ekonomijournalistik?” i  Journalisten, våren 1999.
  16. “The Uddevalla experience in Perspective” in Enriching production. Perspectives on Volvo’s Uddevalla plant as an alternative to lean production, Åke Sandberg (ed), Avebury, Aldershot, UK 1995.
  17. “Relations entre syndicats et recherche sur les conditions de travail en Suède”, in Syndicats et participation democratique, Gérard Kester et Henri Pinaud (éd.), L ´Harmattan, Paris 1995;
  18. Also as “Trade Unions and Research in Sweden”, in Trade Unions and Democratic Participation, G. Kester and H. Pinaud, Avebury, Aldershot 1996.
  19. “Participation et codétermination en Suede” in Syndicats et participation democratique, Gérard Kester et Henri Pinaud (éd.), L ‘Harmattan, Paris 1995
  20. Also as “Participation and co-determination in Sweden” in Trade Unions and Democratic Participation, G. Kester and Henri Pinaud, Avebury, Aldershot 1996.
  21. “Privatization, post-taylorism and productivity – some reflections on the many alternatives to command economy” in Return of work, production and administration to capitalism, W Ehlert et al. (eds.), Peter Lang International, Frankfurt a.M. 1994
  22. ‘Volvoism’ at the end of the road? Does the closing -down of Volvo’s Uddevalla plant mean the end of a human-cetered alternative to ‘toyotism’ ?”, in Actes du Gerpis No 9, Université d’Évry, 1994
  23. “Justice at Work. On solidaristic work policy as a renwal of the Swedish labour market model”, in Market economy and social justice, Akihiro Ishikawa et al (eds.), Chuo University Press, Tokyo 1994
  24. “At the end of the road?”, Ritsumeikan Social Science Journal, No 2, 1993 (in Japanese)
  25. “Fuehrt die luxuriöse Abveichung vom klassischen Weg in der Irre?” Frankfurther Rudschau,  29. April 1993.
  26. “Är Taylor död och pyramiderna rivna? -Nya former för företagsledning och arbetsorganisation” in Sveriges arbetsplatser – Organisation, personalutveckling, styrning, Carl le Grand et al (editor), SNS förlag, Stockholm 1993 (with Christofer Edling). 34 pp.
  27. “Privatizastion vs Democratization – Introductory note” in Privatization versus Democratization in Transition from Command Economy to Market Economy, Estonian Management Institute and Research and Development Centre of the Estonian Trade Unions, Tallinn 1992
  28. “‘Naujasis menedzmentas’ ir profsajungos” (“‘New management’ and trade unions”) in Filosofija Sociologi ja, No 3, 1991 (Vilnius “Academia”)
  29. “Sweden”, “Wage-earner consultants”, “Praxis research: research and change in working life”, three contributions in The concise enncyclopedia of participation and co-management, György Széll (editor), de Gruyter, Berlin and New York, 1992
  30. “Raka rör och dominerande idéer” in Gunnar Gelin, Lars Sundström and Åke Sandberg Sanna ägare. Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1991.
  31. “Nya fack i nya företag” and “Facket som framtidsverkstad och förnyelsen av den svenska modellen” in Nytt liv i facket. Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1991.
  32. “Participation and Democratization in Working Life – Some Swedish Experiences” in Workers’ Participation and Industrial Democracy – Global Perspectives, C. Lakshmanna et. al. (eds.), Ajanta Publications. Delhi 1990. 17 pp.
  33. “On research and change in work life” in Work and welfare, Ann Enander et. al. (eds.), Research Report 91:7, Högskolan i Karlstad, 1991. 4 pp.
  34. “The Swedish model- negotiating the quality of working life” in When people matter. Byggforskningsrådet, Stockholm 1989.
  35. “Kvalitetscirklar” (with Gunilla Bengtsson) in Ledning för alla?, Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1989.
  36. “Om företagsledande och fack i förändring” in Ledning för alla. Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm. 1989.
  37. “Goda arbeten och bra affärer – några reflexioner” in Det nya personalarbetet, (Maria Modig, editor). Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm. 1989 (2:a uppl.).
  38. “Lönearbetets villkor – teknik och organisering i arbetslivet” in Sverige – vardag och struktur. Ulf Himmelstrand och Göran Svensson (red), Norstedts Stockholm 1988 (with Torsten Björkman). 66 pp.
  39. “Sociology of organizations in Sweden” in The multiparadigmatic trend in sociology, Ulf Himmelstrand (editor), Acta universitatis Upsalaiensis/Almqvist &Wiksell International, Stockholm 1987 (with Göran Brulin). 21 pp.
  40. “Technology policy and co-determination in Sweden”. Paper for conference on “Technology policies comparative perspectives”. University of Hyderabad. 1986.
  41. “Wage earner consultants” in Towards a democratic rationality, John Fry (editor), Gower, London 1986.
  42. “Från trivsel till demokratisering” in Videnskabsteoretiske grundlagsproblemer i ekonomiske discipliner, H. Andersen och Ch. Knudsen (editor), Akademisk forlag, Köpenhamn 1984. 27 pp.
  43. “Vad kan vi lära av tidigare faser av forskning och förändring i arbetslivet?” in Förändringsprogram i arbetslivet. Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1984.
  44. “För praxis-forskning” in Kollektivteori og sosiologi. Vänbok til Sverre Lysgaard. Gyldendal, Oslo 1983.
  45. “Facket och den nya tekniken” in Arbetsorganisation och medbestämmande. Tiden, Stockholm 1982. (with Pelle Ehn).
  46. “Vardagen i forskning med facket: om arbetsformer i Demos-projektet studier av planering och datoranvändning.”. Arbetsrapport nr 47, Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1982. 102 pp.
  47. “Kunskapsuppbyggnad och aktivering” in Forskning för förändring. (Forskningsrapport nr 20, Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1981.
  48. “Om arbetslivsforskningens metoder och förutsättningar” in Forskning för förändring, Forskningsrapport nr 20, Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1981.
  49. “Facket – sparringpartner eller utmanare?” in Datorer på svenska, Arbetslivscentrum/ Akademilitteratur, Stockholm 1981. 10 pp.
  50. “Databehandlingens grunder” in Kris och möjlighet. Datorisering i hem, arbetsliv och samhälle, B. Lundin (editor), LTs förlag, Borås 1981 (with Pelle Ehn). 25 pp.
  51. “Facket och den nya tekniken” in Elmia Arbetsmiljö 80, Jönköping 1980 (with Pelle Ehn). 20 pp.
  52. “Medbestämmande: Vad händer i facket?” in Förhandling eller partssammansatta grupper, Olle Hammarström (editor), Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1980. 8 pp.
  53. “Att påverka det påverkbara” in Tre år med MBL, Liber förlag, Stockholm 1980 (with Pelle Ehn). 25 pp.
  54. “Modifierad företagsekonomi – eller ny arbetslivskunskap” in Företagsekonomi i utveckling, AWE/Gebers, Stockholm 1979. 11 pp.
  55. “God utredning. Om vad utredare kan göra för att främja demokratin i förvaltningens beslutsfattande” in Utredning och förändring i förvaltningen, Liber förlag, Uddevalla 1979 (with Pelle Ehn). 52 pp.
  56. “Teknik och arbetsorganisation” in Teknik, samhälle, klasskamp, Arbetarkultur, Stockholm 1979 (with Pelle Ehn). 23 pp.
  57. “Utvärdering, organisationsstruktur och samhälle” in Är verksamheten effektiv?, Riksrevisionsverket/Liber förlag, Stockholm 1979. 15 pp.
  58. “Systems Development: On Strategy and Ideology” in Data, nr 4, 1979 (with Pelle Ehn). 8 pp.
  59. “Biljeske o demokratskom planiranju u sferi rada” in Eksperimenti u demokratizaciji radnih odnosa, Zagreb 1978. 17 pp.
  60. “The Demos Project: Democratic Control and Planning in Working Life” in Working on the Quality of Working Life, A. Alioth et. al. (eds.), Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden 1978. 12 pp.
  61. “Planering, direktörsideologin och de multinationella företagen” in Planeringens gränser, Forum, Lund, 1975. 20 pp.
  62. “Harmoni- och konfliktperspektiv i systemutvecklingsarbetet” in Arbeidsformer i systemutvikling, Århus universitet, Århus 1975. 27 pp.
  63. “En kommentar om perspektiv på planering och självstyre” in Långsiktig planering och folkstyre, Symposium arrangerat av Sekretariatet för framtidsstudier, Justitiedepartementet stencil DsJu 1974:10, Stockholm 1974. 7 pp.
  64. “Planering och framtidsstudier – företagens ansvar för det gemensamma bästa eller demokratisk kontroll i flertalets intresse” in Än sen då – diskussioner om framtidsstuder, Föreningen för framtidsstudier/ Ingenjörsförlaget, Stockholm 1974. 18 pp.
  65. “Bureaucracy, planning and participation” in Participation and selfmanagement, Vol. 5, Zagreb 1973. 12 pp.
  66. “Förändring och dynamisk konservatism” in Vår lösen, nr 10, 1973.
  67. “Byråkrati och planering” in Byråkratin – ett nödvändigt ont?, Nordal Åkerman (ed.), Prisma, Falköping 1973.56 pp.







Research Reports, Working Papers, Conference Papers

  1. Journalists’ work in digital and print media: : Flexibility , creativity, and control under changing technologies and markets”, paper presented at the International Labour Process Conference, Amsterdam, April 2007, Revised 2008 (with Helena Norman).
  2. Call Centres in Sweden. Orientation, human resource practices and performance in internal and external call centres. KTH School of computer science and communication, Mid Sweden University and Arbetslivsinstitutet. Arbetslivsrapport 2007:12, Stockholm 2007, 81 pp.
  3. Call Centers i Sverige. Verksamhetsinriktning, human resource-metoder och utfall i arbete och verksamhet. Mittuniversitetet, KTH och Arbetslivsinstitutet, Arbetslivsrapport 2006:20, Stockholm 2006 (with Christer Strandberg, Kent Norman) 82pp.
  4. Net Workers: Work, Health and Competence among Interactive Media Workers. Arbetslivsinstitutet and KTH, Arbetslivsrapport 2005:31, Stockholm 2005. (with Fredrik Augustsson, Karin Darin and Gabriela Maguid 112 pp.
  5. 1975 & 2005. Being critical in context. Presentation in the panel ‘Being critical now and then’, at Critical computing – The Fourth Decennial Aarhus Conference, 20-24 August 2005.
  6. Interactive Media, Work and Organisation in Sweden. Invited paper presented at the international workshop ‘Studying New Forms of Work: Concepts and Practices in Cultural Industries and Beyond’, Freie Universität Berlin, March 26-27, 2004
  7. New Media Companies: Work, Organisation and Employee Relations. Scientific report from a Work Life 2000 Workshop, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 2000. 4pp.
  8. New Management, ICT and the New Working Life. Scientific report from a Work Life 2000 Workshop, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 2000 (with Göran Ahrne). 4pp.
  9. Nya medier, arbete, design och lärande. Internationell forskarkonferens. Stockholm: Malmö Högskola and Arbetslivsinstitutet 1999 (with Pelle Ehn).
  10. Newspapers in Media Companies – Strategy and Innovation for Profit. Rapport från studieresa till USA med Tidningsutgivarna (TU). Mitior, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 1999. 4pp.
  11. Networking organisations and participation, Paper presented at the ISA XIV World Congress of Sociology, Montréal, July 26 – August 1, 1998, Research Committee 10, Session on ”Participation and governance in organisations – real and virtual” (with Peter Leisink).
  12. Employee ownership and enterprise development, Invited speaker at the “International conference on employee ownership and shareholding cooperatives”, organized by SCRES (State comission for reconstruction of the economic system) at China Reform and Development Institute, Haikou, April 1996.
  13. “New management – new democratic participation?” Conference contribution at the 25th Anniversary of the ETUC, to be published in New Times – New Unions, ETUI/ETUC, Brussels.
  14. Media, IT and innovation in organisation and work. Background to a research programme. Mitior, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 2001.
  15. Medier,IT och innovation i organisation och arbete. Underlag för ett forskningsprogram. Mitior, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 2001.
  16. New Media Companies: Work, Organisation and Employee Relations. Scientific report from a Work Life 2000 Workshop, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 2000. 4pp.
  17. New media industry development: regions, networks and hierarchies. Scientific report from a Work Life 2000 Workshop, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 2000 (with Ann-Katrin Bäcklund). 4pp.
  18. New Management, ICT and the New Working Life. Scientific report from a Work Life 2000 Workshop, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 2000 (with Göran Ahrne). 4pp.
  19. “New media, work and organizational networks” in New media, work, design and learning. Documentation from an international research workshop, Arbetslivsinstitutet och Malmö högskola, 1999
  20. Nya medier, arbete, design och lärande. Internationell forskarkonferens. Stockholm: Malmö Högskola and Arbetslivsinstitutet 1999 (with Pelle Ehn).
  21. Nya medier, interaktiv design, organisations- och företagsutveckling. Förslag till forskning och utveckling utifrån en studieresa till “Silicon Alley”, New York. Stockholm: WM-Data Education & MITIOR, Arbetslivsinstutet, Stockholm 1999 (with Marie Persson).
  22. Newspapers in Media Companies – Strategy and innovation for Profit. Rapport från studieresa till USA med Tidningsutgivarna (TU). MITIOR, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm 1999. 4pp.
  23. Participation and regulation in networking organizations, Paper presented at the European conference ‘Employment relations – regu1ation and deregulation in Europe, LEST, Aix-en-Provence, May 20-22, 1999.
  24. Networking organisations and participation, Paper presented at the ISA XIV World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, July 26 – August l, 1998, Research Committee 10, Session on “Participation and governance in organisations – real and virtual” (with Peter Leisink).
  25. Preconditions for creating productive, rewarding and sustainable work – reflections on strategies in Sweden, Paper invited to the 2nd International conference of industrial relations: training in industrial relations, worker participation, productivity and European integration, Department of Business Administration, University of Piraeus, May 17-18, 1996.
  26. Employee ownership and enterprise development, Invited speaker at the “International conference on employee ownership and shareholding cooperatives”, organized by SCRES (State comission for reconstruction of the economic system) at China Reform and Development Institute, Haikou, April 15-17,1996
  27. “Volvoism” at the end of the road? Is the closure of Volvo’s Uddevalla plant the end of a human-cetered and productive alternative to ‘Toyotism”?, Working paper No 13, Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm, 1994
  28. Changing workplace lndustrial Relations in Sweden: On union responses to ‘New Management’, Paper invited to a Conference organized by IREC, at the European Foundation, Dublin, Nov. 1992.
  29. Kvalitetscirklar – en översikt om bakgrund och erfarenheter. Arbetsrapport, Sociologiska institutionen, Uppsala och Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm, maj 1987. 76 pp. (with Gunilla Bengtsson).
  30. Trade union strategies in production issues: Some Swedish experiences. Paper presented at the XI World Congress of Sociology, New Delhi, August 1986. 24 pp. (mimeo.)
  31. Mellan alternativ produktion och industriell FoU. Utopia-projektet, Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm 1984. 98 pp.
  32. Trade union strategies and technological change, paper invited to the conference “Crisis and planning: The transformation of the city and of work” Genoa, Italy, November 1984. 31 pp. (mimeo.)
  33. Alternative systems for text and image processing in newspaper production. Some experiences from the Utopia project, Paper invited to CAITS seminar on human-centred systems, London 1984. 12 pp. (mimeo.)
  34. Demos-projektet. Resultat och rapporter. Arbetslivscentrum 1983 (Summary of the project.)
  35. From satisfaction to democratization: on sociology and working life changes in Sweden, paper invited to the ‘Symposium on the roles of sociologists in relation to industrial management and conflict’, ISA 12th World Congress, Mexico City, 1982, 27 pp
  36. Vardagen i forskning med facket. Om arbetsformer i Demos-projektets studier av planering och datoranvändning, Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm, Arbetsrapport 1982:47. 102 pp.
  37. Idéer till arbetslivsforskning. Några väsentliga uppgifter för forskning inom arbetslivets område skisserade utifrån erfarenheter i Demos-projektet, TRITA-IBADB 6007, KTH, Stockholm, oktober 1977. Demos rapport nr 8 (with the project group). 10 pp.
  38. Demos-projektet. Kort om utgångspunkter och några erfarenheter, TRIT A-IBADB 6006, KTH, Stockholm, mars 1977. Demos rapport nr 7 (with Jan Carlsson et al; revision and expansion of report no 2). 25 pp.
  39. Det behövs en ny företags- och arbetslivsforskning. Anteckningar om planeringsmakt och löntagarstyre, TRITA-IBADB 6005, KTH, Stockholm, Demos rapport nr 6, december 1976. (bearbetning och utvidgning av artiklarna II.17, 21, 23 och 24). 40 pp.
  40. God utredning. Om vad utredare kan göra för att främja demokratin i förvaltningens beslutsfattande, TRITA-IBADB 6003, KTH, Stockholm, december 1976. Demos rapport nr 4. (with Pelle Ehn; also revised and published as article II.22). 52 pp.
  41. Fackföreningsrörelsen och forskningsmakten. Krav på en forskningspolitik och forskning ur löntagarperspektiv, TRITA-IBADB 6002, KTH, Stockholm, juni 1976. Demos rapport nr 3. (with Pelle Ehn). 12 pp.
  42. DEMOS – kort presentation av ett forskningsprojekt, TRITA-IBADB 6001, KTH, Stockholm, december 1975. Demos rapport nr 2. (with Pelle Ehn et al). 12 pp.
  43. Demokratisk styrning och planering i arbetslivet. Utgångspunkter för ett forskningsprojekt om datateknik, fackförening och företagsdemokrati, TRITA-IBADB 1023, KTH, Stockholm 1975. Demos rapport nr 1 (with Pelle Ehn et al.; also published in the journal Nordisk forum). 23 pp.
  44. Framtidsstudier – att veta och välja eller Vad är vetbart om den valbara och vetvärda framtiden, FOA rapport C 10022-M3, Stockholm, januari 1975. 26 pp.
  45. Fjorton (hypo)teser om planering och organisation, FOA P rapport C 8354-M3, Stockholm, februari 1973. 20pp.
  46. Professionalisering och planering. Bakgrund till studiet av analytikerns roll i beslutsprocesser på policynivå. Uppsats för 4 betyg, Sociologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, september 1971. 106 pp.
  47. Beslutsprocesser, planering och participation. Intryck från NSU:s 21:a sommarsession, FOA P rapport C 8297-M1, Stockholm, september 1971. 25 pp.
  48. Byråkrati och beslutssociologi. Om arbeten av två franska organisationssociologer – M. Crozier och H. Jamous, FOA P rapport C 8274-11, Stockholm, februari 1971. 45 pp.
  49. Analysen i beslutsprocessen. Något om beslutsfattande i organisationer. FOA P rapport C 8273-11, Stockholm, februari 1971. 25 pp.
  50. “Influences and decisions concerning a development project” in Symposium on long-range planning and organizational behaviour, FOA P rapport C 8254-11, Stockholm, april 1970, (with Per Strangert eds.). 10 pp.
  51. Långsiktsprognoser i fransk planering. Iakttagelser under praktikarbete våren 1970, FOA P rapport C 8263­-11, Stockholm, september 1970. 22 pp.
  52. Beslutsprocessen ur beteendevetenskaplig synvinkel, FOA P rapport C 8247-11, Stockholm, mars 1970. 20 pp.
  53. Försök till uppskattning av civilförsvarets samhällsekonomiska kostnad, Cfs OA-rapport nr 5, Stockholm, december 1969. 33 pp.

V. Book reviews – a selection

  1. Review of A Boglind: ”Medarbetare och medlem”, Sociologiska institutionen, Göteborg 1989  in Sociologisk Forskning, nr 3, 1991.
  2. ”Alla krav på frihet och rättvisa är meningslösa” review of G. Ahrne’s “Vardagsverklighet och struktur”  in Dagens Nyheter, 11 januari, 1983.
  3. ”Vi måste besinna oss i vår iver att behärska naturen!” review of G.H. von Wright ”Humanismen som livshållning” in LO-tidningen, nr 23, 1980.
  4. ”Medbestämmandets gränser” in Tiden, nr 4–5, 1979. 5 pp.
  5. ”När maskinerna tagit makten” in Dagens Nyheter, 3 mars 1978, review of Harry Braverman’s “Arbete och monopolkapital”
  6. ”Maktspelsteori försämrar” in Lag & Avtal, nr 7, 1978.
  7. ”Vad ett löntagarstyrt Sverige har att lära av Jugoslavien” in Värmlands folkblad, 29 juli 1976 (review of Bengt Abrahamssons: Exemplet Jugoslavien).
  8. Review of G. Benveniste: The politics of expertise, in Acta Sociologica, årg. 16, nr 4, 1973.
  9. Review of F G Castles et al (editor): ”Decisions, organizations and society” in Acta Sociologica, årg. 16, nr 1, 1973.

Kategori: uncategorized

Åke Sandberg: Major books

To be updated.

This a selection of major books. For a more exhaustive list, please see Publications – detailed list.

Åke Sandberg: List of publications

Books and reports

The Libris library system covers books and reports. Searching for my publications in the Libris system you get the results shown in this link. Several of my publications  may be downloaded as full text pdf files, many of them were published by Arbetslivsinstitutet / NIWL. If you find the link “Läs hela” at an item that will lead you to the full text.
Below you will find an edited version of the results from a search in the Libris system, as long ago as 2005. Only few items have been added to that list since, mainly more recent books.
There is also on my site a more complete list of publications, including also articles, but it has not been updated for a decade. You may also find an overview of  my research and of projects I have participaed in.
